Rooftopshoot Rotterdam “Danique”

Rooftop: Hudson Bay Rotterdam
Model: Danique Meinders
Assistent: Chris Gottenbos (colleague photographer 😉
Camera’s: Nikon D4 and Hasselblad H3DII
Lenses: Nikkor f2,8 80~200mm and Hasselblad f3,5~4,5  50~110mm
Light: Ambient and Bowens XMT 500eu  at High-sync.

Honorable Mention

De foto ’10k bottle house heeft een eervolle vermelding gekregen in de internationale fotowedstrijd Black&Wihte Spider Awards
“Dear John,CONGRATULATIONS on being a Winner at the 13th Annual Black & White Spider Awards with:
Honorable Mention in Architectural | 10k bottle house
6,404 entries were received from 77 countries and your work received a high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done!”
